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Content Usage Guidelines

Last updated January 04, 2023​

All words and images posted on are the property of Specular Industries LLC dba Edmar Castillo and copyrighted in the year they were published, unless otherwise noted.

If you would like to share content from, you are absolutely allowed to do so. We just ask that you clearly state where the content came from, limit the copy to a few paragraphs (i.e. don’t share the entire post on your site), and link back to the original post.

If you would like to use any of Edmar Castillo Photography’s images, you must have written permission or pay a licensing fee before doing so.

Any form of copyright infringement or theft of content from is subject to Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown notice and/or legal action.

If you have questions about any of this, or need more info on using Edmar Castillo Photography’s images, please send an email to

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